Questioning popular narrative

Many are feeling stuck as they continue to live under seemingly endless personal restrictions and agree that a post-mortem is needed on the past two years to understand how we went from staying home for two weeks to give hospitals a chance to prepare for higher occupancy to somehow collectively agreeing that there can be no return to the normal as it was once known.

The plexiglass is up. And many places of business cannot bear the expense of taking it down just to be ordered to put it back up for the next flu season.

Most stickers have worn off floors by now, but signage exists in all public places reminding people to physically distance. But did two years of doing so get things back to normal? Whose idea was it anyway? What if it is a social experiment that has long been abandoned, but no one told the people?

Was it really that risky to dance on New Years Eve 2022? Would mingling with patrons at a nearby table spread disease? Did some do so and actually survive?

As more people start to question the restrictions and rules of segregation, others wonder why the growing freedom rallies throughout the countries of the world have not become super-spreader events. Surely those who baulk at medical mandates should be dying off by now and the numbers of non-compliant should be dwindling. But they are not.

Perhaps there is not harm in questioning after all.

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N. Smith | Staff Writer | PG Real News

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