Dear MLAs do something please!

On the afternoon of Wednesday, February 23, 2022, concerned Prince George citizens visited several offices of elected officials and delivered letters to MLAs Shirley Bond, Mike Morris, and Todd Doherty beseeching each to stand for the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and help end discriminatory Covid mandates and measures. While letters were delivered, strong statements supporting individual freedoms and challenges for government to stop violating personal freedoms were heard over a loud speaker.

One letter addressed to MLA Mr. Mike Morris said:

We are here as a group of Prince George residents that are gravely concerned about many things happening right now in our country and our Province.

First we had a huge number of truckers — almost one third of total in Canada — who took a stand in Ottawa along with many supporters. No matter how the media tried to paint the very backbone of our country as terrorists, white nationalists, and racists — they are not. The treatment of the truckers by federal Liberal Government and the mainstream media is absolutely horrendous and they actually need to be held accountable. But I guess that will have to wait for the moment.

The tyrant Prime Minister did not even once talk to them about their concerns over the vaccine mandate which is actually unconstitutional and unlawful. They should never had to do this protest in the first place. It is truly stunning all that is going on right now so we can retain our rights to choose what goes into our body. And no one in Gov seems to hear from the people.

Now the Emergency Act has been invoked and voted in. Unbelievable. Likely the Senate will pass it. As of this letter writing we do not have the vote result.

Where is the Emergency?? Ottawa has mostly been cleared out by the most forceful police and the border blockades are gone.
This is clearly a well orchestrated agenda and ultimately many of us believe it is to be able to implement financial takeover and implement a digital ID either with the Vaccine Passport or another means. The World Economic Forum is in control of our PM and many MPs no matter the party. That’s a Fact. The Great Reset planned by the WEF was openly talked about by Trudeau on his video speech to Canada in 2020. Trudeau answers to Klaus Schwabb the founder of the WEF, an adherent Nazi. Our country has been taken over by these globalists with their New World Order plan. What used to be conspiracy theory is unfolding right before our very eyes. We do not see how anyone can not see it at this point. The horrible liberal media in our country is helping them.

All Trudeau had to do to end this upheaval and unrest was end the mandates and covid restrictions like many other countries have and many states in the US have done already. The truckers would have went home happy. But no way that was not even an option to this tyrant of a leader. Instead they get the force of the police sent to deal with them. None of it was necessary! The pandemic is over. We all know it and yet they continue with these forceful and controlling measures and mandates. It is so clear he is doing his role to get this agenda done.

Our country is in deep trouble right now and we need our leaders who actually love our country, our way of life, and stand by the Constitution and Charter freedoms to stand up and speak now!

And sadly, as a WEF member as well, Premier Horgan is in total agreement with the Prime Minister’s move to invoke the Emergency Act. He said on CBC that something had to be done. Really. Well that tells us as residents of BC that we have a major problem with the government in BC. Horgan clearly is an authoritarian like Trudeau is.

We must stand up to Horgan and this NDP government in BC before any more measures or restrictions are put on us and actually DEMAND all restrictions and mandates be ended immediately.

So many people in BC are suffering greatly with loss of job over not wanting the experimental gene therapy, loss of business from being forced to close, health consequences of not getting treatments needed over last two years, vaccine injury (yes there are vaccine injuries in our local area), family separation, suicides, and overdoses are way up, the mental health of our children from dealing with fear, exclusion, measures in schools that promote segregation and bullying of kids not wearing masks or not vaccinated. Yes this is happening a lot.

So many things happening to people are WAY WORSE than covid all caused by the BC Government policies and the mainstream media pumping fear everyday and never questioning the narrative. They basically just report what the Gov wants them to say. It actually harmed society more than we can ever recover. But you haven’t questioned the narrative coming from Gov either and it’s high time you did.

We are here today and giving you this letter to ask you to please do these actions on behalf of your constituents.

1. Please stand up to this NDP government and make them end all mandates and covid measures so we can end the segregation of society from those with vax pass and those without. This is just wrong on every level. Did you realize there are kids who cant even go to their dry grad or other events because they are not vaccinated??!! This is outrageous and again unconstitutional and unlawful. And on top of it HURTING them greatly!

All the mandates and measures are being done unlawfully by the Federal and Provincial governments and Public Health. They are breaking our laws. But they persecute the business defying the mandates like they are breaking laws when they are not. Public Health is!

We represent thousands of Prince George residents vaxxed and unvaxed, all ages, creeds, colours and genders.
We demand that you get our BC government cancel mandates and measures immediately and start following the Charter Rights and Freedoms as the Supreme Law of our province!

No mandate or policy supersedes the Charter and these people running our Government and public health need to be told because they clearly do not know this!

Please listen to Brian Peckford the last living architect of the Charter speak about this. He is speaking at many rallys and was in Ottawa speaking every day during the protest. He is a hero to Canada for all he is doing to stand for us and our Charter Rights and Freedoms!

2. We demand that Public Health in BC participate in a public scientific forum with the doctors in support of medical freedom and evidence about the harm of covid policies and the vaccine.

They are inviting senior health officials with subject matters experts in Covid 19, medicine, immunology, epidemiology, and virology.
Let it be on record that the government refuses to debate the science , and several world class expert Canadian doctors such as Dr. Byran Bridle are requesting a public forum which we the people feel should be expedited.

We demand that this debate happen immediately to keep the public’s trust in science and hear the truth from actual evidence and data.

We trust you will take our letter and visit to your office seriously Mr. Morris. We are extremely concerned about the lasting damage to our society and especially to our children and young adults for all they have gone through and are still being forced to do regarding covid policies.

It all must stop asap! Please stand up to the NDP Government and Public Health and stand with the people of BC.

While another letter sent to Member of Parliament Bob Zimmer said, “To be honest I am afraid to be associated with opposition to the Trudeau Government. We have heard how other countries that have gone communist round up supporters of the opposition and arrest them. When we can have bank accounts frozen for supporting a cause that JT doesn’t approve of it tells me we are already close to a total Dictatorship.”

M. Smith | Staff Writer | PG Real News

Concerned Citizens of Prince George deliver letters to the offices of MLAs Shirley Bond, Mike Morris, and Todd Doherty pleading for them to stand against Covid mandates and measures.


One Reply to “Dear MLAs do something please!”

  1. Thank you thank you thank you ☺️ ❤️???for putting down in words what sooo soooo many of us have been feeling for the last two years. When is it enoug!? . We are tired of being coerced and divided among fellow Canadians. I have never in a long time been so proud to be a Canadian as I was when the truckers commenced and continued steadfastly with the convoy for our rights as Canadians. We now have our US NEIGHBORS fighting this tyranny with us.

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