Funeral industry insider discusses recent trends

Just as record-high suspected overdose deaths are announced for British Columbia, an owner of a chain of nine funeral homes in three provinces, Pete, discusses in Vancouver on April 10, 2022 with PG Real News reporter Luciano why that might be.

During a pandemic, people like Pete who work in the funeral industry would be considered “front-line workers”. However 2020 and 2021 failed to bring the anticipated increase in business as all-cause deaths did not rise above normal levels within the perimeter of what had happened in 10 years prior to 2020.

“There is no pandemic,” observes Pete, “Statistics and dead people don’t lie.”

“British Columbia has had an average of  35 deaths per day of old age. All they did for 2020 starting in March was designate three of those deaths to Coronavirus. And those numbers created the panic,” discerns Pete, “They just relabeled deaths as dying from Covid.”

“And then you get into whether the test for Covid has been legitimate from the beginning, and it most certainly was not,” says Pete.

However, a sharp rise in funerals in the past 90 days has shown to be twice as high as any six month period of 2021. Coroner reports are indicating higher suspected overdose deaths as well as higher suicides, but some personal testimonies from family members show to be skeptical to the labeled cause of death.

“When you are running a funeral home in small towns, you are the only game, so you have buried these peoples’ grandmothers and great grandmothers and you have a personal relationship with almost every individual that you bury,” says Pete.

Because of his close relationship with families in the communities that he has served for more than 20 years, Pete and his associates are confided in routinely. Increasingly, he is being told that a loved-one’s death was unexpected — such as a sudden onset of a heart complication — and that it occurred “post third jab”. Such information is not a part of a coroner’s report, but is shared in person by a family member.

Not only does Pete notice a rise in the frequency of funerals, he also speaks to first responders in the same communities and says that they notice a huge increase in calls in the past six months too. “In a small community there is one ambulance, and one fire truck with eight volunteer fire fighters,” Pete says, “We know them all.”

Pete says, “In the past 90 days we have seen a disturbing increase in deaths.”

N. Smith | Staff Writer | PG Real News


The video shown below is unscripted, uncut and unedited. It shows a conversation that is spontaneous, and candid.


One Reply to “Funeral industry insider discusses recent trends”

  1. I spoke with this funeral director. He told me the Canadian Government contacted him and his brother in 2019 to say there would be a SARS COV-II pandemic in 2020 and to get ready. Then in January of 2020 he received a document from the Canadian Government requesting that he use the PCR test and to mark all deaths as COVID-19. This funeral director knew the pandemic wasn’t real and he told the Canadian Government to take a hike.

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